Some fucker stole my wallet on the Metro last night. Along with my money, they got my precious Tarjeta de Residencia which had expired and cannot be replaced. Words cannot express how pissed off I am right now.
Some fucker stole my wallet on the Metro last night. Along with my money, they got my precious Tarjeta de Residencia which had expired and cannot be replaced. Words cannot express how pissed off I am right now.
Bad news – what makes it harder to take is that your useful little card will probably just have been thrown away along with anything else that’s not of value to the thief.
Yeah, that’s the real bugger. I cancelled my cards within 15 minutes of the pickpocketing – and, looking at my account online, this seems to have worked.
In terms of annoyance, even going on holiday for a week without having access to money pales to insignificance when I think about not having that little card. Now I really need to get Spanish citizenship.
Can you get a Spanish driving license instead? That does the trick for most official nonsensedom.
@Ben – Can’t drive.
No worries – just get one of those splendid green, unfoldable, good-for-life A4 documents, to be carried with your passport at all times, which proves that you are registered with the police as a European citizen. Sowing a yellow triangle on your jacket helps, too.
I’ve filed a denunció online, though I have to file it officially at a police station for it to stick.
Scheissendreck Arschlöchen. German/Valencian Cerdanyola Posse was present but useless
Sorry to hear that mate. I have lived in Barna for nearly ten years now, and I always leave the NIE at home. It’s just a bloody hassle to get a replacement.
Whatsmore, I never carry a wallet. I usually spread my cash, keys and T10 around different pockets, and usually keep my hands in my pockets when traveling on the train and metro. Being 6’1″ and ugly to boot, I think they don’t want to take the risk.
In the last 9 years, there have only been two attempts. Both resulted in the assailants allegedly falling over and hurting themselves repeatedly 😉