Last night, as I went to bed, the very first precints were announcing results in the US Presidential election. From small areas of eastern states, after about 12,000 votes had been counted, Obama stood at 48% while McCain had 52%. I went to bed with those numbers in my head, convinced that it was impossible for McCain to win but also allowing myself a few fleeting thoughts of just what it would mean if America rejected change for an old man clearly under the spell of the most divisive elements of a radicalising Republican party.
But I needn’t have worried. Ever since my original endorsement of Mr. Obama, in February 2007, he has achieved good results in the polls. Now, I’m not saying that part of his victory doesn’t come down to the $500m of donations he received, the huge voter registration drive or the support he received from diverse elements of the electorate. But let’s face it: there are different degrees of importance when you look at these matters. And my endorsement was one of the important ones.
Seriously though, for those of you who worry that Obama’s just not far enough from McCain and the Republicans in terms of policy: you may well be right. But the important thing here is that positivity seems to have won out against the politics of fear, which is, if nothing else, a firm rejection of everything that nasty prick Bush (and his foul team of acolytes) stood for.
Bush remains president until late January next year. He’s apparently busy signing anti-environment legislation, destruction of the environment being something close to his heart.
I feel like I just woke up from a nightmare.
Bush remains president until late January next year. He’s apparently busy signing anti-environment legislation, destruction of the environment being something close to his heart
San Franciscan Voters have something addressing this:
As a good Republican, I voted for Obama. I also voted for eliminating the income tax in Massachusetts, depenalizing carrying one oz of marihuana and banning dog racing.
Ian, you can have one of my Republicans For Obama pins: you deserve it.
‘UnHab’ – I couldn’t have put it better.
I just went back to your original post. I must remember not to comment on anything in the future. Barack Obama is obviously an amazingly charismatic man and even if he doesn’t end up changing all that much, America has changed the way that the world sees it and hopefully the way it sees itself. As you say it’s a victory over the politics of fear. It’s also a victory for progressive politics which makes David Cameron’s attempt to leap on the ‘Change’ bandwagon particularly grating.
@Joe – you weren’t completely wrong. At the time, and for much of the early part of his campaign, it was difficult for many of us to take Obama’s ‘message of hope’ very seriously, because if he lost it would have been put down to hubris and rhetoric on his supporters’ part. And he is slightly gangly.
Anyway, he passes the male approval test because Gemma thinks he’s rather dishy and she has, as you know, immaculate taste.
As to Cameron, he’s utterly shameless. But without the brash pride that might at least win the fans-of-demagogues vote.
way to go Obama – just hope no one puts a cap in him too soon!