Just over a year ago…

…Iberian Notes stopped being updated. Just thought I’d remind you. A whole year of reduced blood pressure and increased happiness. I really never thought he’d be able to last a year.

And so it falls to me to be the moody expat loser blogger (Trev is better but he never says anything).

First topic: off to Modbury (‘el poble’) next weekend. Not much blogging will ensue. Still alive, though.

4 thoughts on “Just over a year ago…

  1. I’ve learnt to keep my mouth shut to avoid all and sundry inserting feet therein. There must be a proverb out there to the effect of what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world’s attention, and lose his precious reputation as a result. Assuming he had one.

  2. Give John his due – he would churn out a good chunk of interesting and instructive stuff daily (well, ‘nightly’, anyway). The nearest to that, at least in volume, is Colin Davies’ Thoughts from Galicia – although he eschews the politics on the whole http://colindavies.blogspot.com
    In politics… any takers?

  3. Yeah… I’m not sure that translating the top headlines in La Vanguardia and adding a comment along the lines of ‘Communist assholes’ is particularly worth reading.

    Then again, he obviously took the time to do that, which is something I don’t. Maybe in autumn.

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