Royal Trux: When Terry Christian was right


Oh yeah, and here’s why


3 thoughts on “Royal Trux: When Terry Christian was right

  1. We’re still thinking about doing a royal trux night in London somewhere. Iwan wants to get involved. Trouble is, we need to get their whole back catologue on vinyl really – Iwan has Accelorator and Cats and Dogs. Reckons he can get Bobby Gillespie to attend plus a few other notable fans. Would you come too?

  2. Well, if I had nothing better to do.

    Of course I would!

    On vinyl I’ve got Accelerator, Cats and Dogs, Royal Trux (1st LP), Twin Infinitives and about 4 or 5 7″ singles/EPs. Could bring them over.

    Seriously, it sounds like a really fun idea and I’d love to go to something like that. Nice to hear from you, by the way.

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