Oh yeah, and here’s why
Oh yeah, and here’s why
We’re still thinking about doing a royal trux night in London somewhere. Iwan wants to get involved. Trouble is, we need to get their whole back catologue on vinyl really – Iwan has Accelorator and Cats and Dogs. Reckons he can get Bobby Gillespie to attend plus a few other notable fans. Would you come too?
Well, if I had nothing better to do.
Of course I would!
On vinyl I’ve got Accelerator, Cats and Dogs, Royal Trux (1st LP), Twin Infinitives and about 4 or 5 7″ singles/EPs. Could bring them over.
Seriously, it sounds like a really fun idea and I’d love to go to something like that. Nice to hear from you, by the way.
best rock band ever. neil fucking hagerty is god !! and jennifer herrema is something else. much respect