Shut down democracy to save democracy!

One of the more esoteric arguments against the Catalan independence referendum (an argument favoured by our erstwhile interlocutor who still may not speak his name), is that the act of holding such a referendum is so profoundly undemocratic, it should be prevented at all costs.

The basic premise of the position is, with apologies to Voltaire:

“I do not agree with what you say, and I’ll defend to the death any powers which will let me or the Spanish state stop you from saying it”.

Thankfully, it has been put even more clearly on Nació Digital. Absolutely no chance that this is a spoof.

Jo amb la legalitat, jo amb C’s 

Ciutadà no delincuent , 01/03/2013 a les 20:34
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Esta persona que votaría en un referendum ilegal antidemocrático es un delincuente y por lo tanto debería actuar la fiscalía y la justicia para quitarle su acta de diputado y sus derechos políticos (inhabilitación del derecho a voto y a presentarse en unas eleccciones por lo menos durante 25 años).Es antidemocrático que los catalanes voten un referendum. Quien votara deberia ser ajusticiado por el ejército. No se puede ir en contra del Reino de España porque Cataluña en sí misma no es nada, no existe, no es ni un país ni nada igual que el dialecto catalán muchas veces confundido con una lengua.YO SOC DEMOCRATA PER AIXO VOTO ALBERT RIVERA PER PRESIDENT


Good luck to him, I say. The best way we can defeat a public expression of an opinion we dislike these days is to deem it ‘undemocratic’. Makes it all so simple.

1 thought on “Shut down democracy to save democracy!

  1. They run out of arguments pretty quickly, so this is what it’s left. Nationalism is evil, undemocratic, etc. You’re a nationalist. Therefore you’re evil, undemocratic, bla, bla. This is propaganda of the lowest degree. It relies entirely on the undefined concept of “nationalism”. Since it’s undefined, it can be applied arbitrarily to anyone… except them, of course, because everybody knows that they call themselves “non-nationalists” therefore they’re not nationalists by definition 🙂 Now we’re starting to see that they have redefined democracy to mean rule of the law. It makes no sense, because pretty much any regime democratic or not has rule of the law, but this doesn’t seem to stop them…

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