Wert’s education reform abandoned

The Ley Wert was unpopular for a number of reasons. It aimed to take power from parent-teacher governance boards and give it to political figures. It introduced streaming for academic and vocational training a year earlier than before, reducing standard schooling for anyone going into vocational training. And it threatened the linguistic immersion system in Catalonia, a system proved to work, in order to downgrade the relevance of Catalan in schools.

From the government’s point of view, shelving unpopular reforms after massive strikes and protests may be a mistake. They may be trying to make themselves look flexible.

From my point of view, what they’ve shown us is that we can win.

4 thoughts on “Wert’s education reform abandoned

  1. It’s not dead yet, and I agree with a lot of what’s in it – refocusing from jobs for bad teachers to jobs for school leavers – , but always assumed that Wert had been put on the job because he would firm up an important proportion of the PP vote but act in such a completely ridiculous fashion that the government would be able to abandon him, thus keeping CiU and a section of potential PSOE vote onside.

  2. LD says that the holdup is Wert’s mad and unconstitutional idea of avoiding confrontation with CiU by sending children who want to use Spanish to private schools in parts of Spain where’s it’s legal to use Spanish and making the regional govt pay:

    La LOMCE iba a ser aprobada este viernes en Consejo de Ministros pero, según fuentes consultadas por Libertad Digital, finalmente será la próxima semana cuando se dará su visto bueno en Moncloa. El miércoles, en una reunión de los secretarios y subsecretarios de Estado presidida por la vicepresidenta del Gobierno, se informó desde Educación que aún faltaban “algunos aspectos técnicos” que resolver. En concreto, los que tienen que ver con la lengua. El Consejo de Estado llamó la atención sobre la solución que planteaba el Ministerio para los casos en que este derecho se vulnere: que el alumno pueda a ir a un centro privado y los gastos corran a cuenta de la Administración autonómica. El Consejo entendió que esa medida no entra dentro de las competencias del Estado. “Estamos en un proceso de reflexión; estamos valorando otra solución”, afirmó la secretaria de Estado, Montserrat Gomendio hace dos semanas. Aún la solución no ha quedado plasmada en el texto normativo, de ahí que se retrase su aprobación.

    If they really backed down to a couple of thousand students trying to get onto IU’s candidate list for the locals the Jewish-masonic conspiracy would never forgive them.

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