Juan Carlos I abdicates: Spain enters a new era

So Juanca has finally abdicated, official immediately. It was a ‘surprise’ announcement which shouldn’t really have surprised us at all. The timing was obvious: a week after the EU elections, so as not to get people thinking too hard  about how they want to be governed. This would have been agreed by the twin pillars of a crumbling political system: the PP and the PSOE.

This is the key gesture launching a process which will attempt to preserve the status quo against serious threats including the royal family’s declining popularity, the failure of the bipartisan political system and the Catalan independence movement. The plan is probably to have a quick succession, coronation and then a series of constitutional changes ‘proposed by the new king’ in order to reduce the increasing discontent across the country. I’m not sure that they haven’t left it too long.

Has no one told Rajoy that he should be next?

3 thoughts on “Juan Carlos I abdicates: Spain enters a new era

  1. Spanish corruption: catalonian independence leader Jordi Pujol confesses to more than 30 years of tax fraud. And his sons and his wife involved in countless cases of corruption. Cases of corruption in Catalonia leave small Italian Tangentopoli. Now back to say that the Catalans are honest people and deserve the independence from the corrupted Spain.

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